The Racial Violence Hub

Anti-Violence Strategies: Abolition


How to we resist violence? How do we imagine and create community alternatives to carcerality? How do we practice a commitment to abolition?

View the following cases on RDIC:

Orisanmi Burton’s June 2020 presentation, Abolition 101

The brute racial fact of this deadly European border regime is seldom acknowledged, because it immediately confronts us with the cruel (post)coloniality of the “new” Europe. In the face of the inevitable and ever-more bountiful harvest of empire, past and present, the mobility of the vast majority of people from formerly colonized countries – indeed, the vast majority of humanity – has been preemptively illegalized.


Third Report of the UCLA Task Force on Anti-Palestinian, Anti-Muslim, and Anti-Arab Racism

Palestinian Human Rights and the Struggle for Racial Justice
in the Medical School, UCLA