The Racial Violence Hub
This site creates a virtual community of feminist critical race scholars, artists, activists, and organizations working on issues of racial violence and the state.
Task Force Reports
First Report of UCLA Task Force on Anti-Palestinian, Anti-Muslim and Anti-Arab Racism
Second Report of the UCLA Task Force on Anti-Palestinian, Anti-Muslim, and Anti-Arab Racism
The Militarization of Campus
Third Report of the UCLA Task Force on Anti-Palestinian, Anti-Muslim, and Anti-Arab Racism
Palestinian Human Rights and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Medical School, UCLA
Featured Discussions
The Racial Violence Hub Presents South Africa’s Case Against Israel For The Crime Of Genocide Against Palestinians In Gaza
A discussion of the public hearings taking place Jan. 11 & 12th in the International Court of Justice.
The Genocidal Assault On Palestine: A Transnational Feminist Call To End Colonialism And War
The third in a series about the genocidal assault on Palestine, calling for an end to colonialism and war from a transnational feminist perspective.
Teach-in On The Crisis In Palestine
The discussion focuses on the challenges faced by scholars in discussing Palestine, particularly in the context of the immediate crisis in Gaza and broader colonial dynamics.
Key concepts in
Racial Violence
Anti-Indigenous Violence
How does the anti-indigenous violence shape the settler colonial state?
Gendering Anti-Indigenous Violence
How is gendered and sexualized violence central to colonial and neo-colonial regimes?
Anti-Latinx Violence in the U.S.
How has anti-Latinx violence shaped the national imaginary of the United States?
Transnational Anti-Migrant and Anti-Refugee Violence
How is racial violence enacted against migrants and refugees globally?
Anti-Trans and Anti-Queer Violence
How is anti-trans and anti-queer violence linked to gender-based violence and racial violence?
Anti-Violence Strategies: Abolition
How do we imagine and create community alternatives to carcerality?
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The RV Hub Presents
The hub is committed to the creation of pedagogical tools that enable professors and students to make critical connections between race, state violence, and terror. Resources include interviews with leading scholars which analyze and reveal the racial underpinnings of modern states.

Feminist Approaches to Theorizing Genocidal Violence, Wars, and Occupations
2021 - 2022 | How do we think about the politics of genocidal violence and the interconnections between its different registers?

Feminist Scholars on Policing and Empire
2020 | How do we address racial violence, policing, and white supremacy in settler societies

Feminist Approaches to Understanding Global Anti-Muslim Racism
2019 | How does Anti-Muslim racism travel globally? How can feminist approaches help us forge solidarity and resistance?

Transnational Ro(o/u)tes of Gendered Racial Violence
2018 | What is the link between gendered and racial violence? How is violence directed at women because they are racialized?
Dr. Sherene H. Razack

Sherene H. Razack is a Distinguished Professor and the Penny Kanner Endowed Chair in the Department of Gender Studies, UCLA. She is an interdisciplinary critical race and feminist scholar whose work engages several fields including Sociology, Legal Studies, Gender Studies, Ethnic Studies, American Studies and Political Science. With a central focus on racial violence, she explores how imperialism, colonialism, capitalism and patriarchy interlock to produce and sustain a racially structured world where racialized populations are marked as disposable and subjected to an unrelenting violence. She is the founder of the Racial Violence Hub, a virtual network of scholars.